Monday, July 20, 2009

Just like Garfield

I hate Mondays. I have to be at work by 8am. Now, if you know me you would have thought that task would be next to impossible. It would have come after pigs flying and pineapples playing music. But, I do it. At least twice a week.

This morning was relatively quiet... Tried to have a conversation with the cleaning lady, got the mail from the man in suspenders, tried to unlock one of the doors in the chapel which plan refuses to open.

This afternoon was a different story... About 5 minutes after I got here, I was still filling in my time sheet, THE FIRE ALARM WENT OFF. OK, what do I do now? I went into our kitchenette, where everything is broken anyways. No smoke. Went over to the chapel, no smoke. (Oh, and fire alarms echo and are the worse noise you have ever heard inside of a chapel) Now.. if you're a chi omega or know about the hot pocket incident you would understand my confusion. Standing outside not knowing at all what is going on.

I should mention that as I stepped outside the first time I saw 2 adults and a little girl walking from the chapel. They were telling the little girl to run, and I naively thought they were trying to save her from the noise.

A cop car comes and parks in our lot so I go out to talk to him about it but, he's not in his car. Damn. So I walk back over to the chapel and find him looking in all of our cabinet-thingys. He tells me the alarm was pulled (probably that little twit) and we go back to the office to disengage the alarm (sweet relief). He gets a call on his radio telling him that the alarm had been reset. He answered and then turned to me and was like no kidding, I was the one who reset it. What a system.

So that was pretty exciting.... Had 2 people ask where the bathroom was, not bad for a monday.

I did have one family ask me how I pronounced our name and when I told them the old hag told me I was wrong and taught me the "right" way to say it. I wanted to tell her to piss off, Ill say it however I want.

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